Thursday, May 28, 2009

A.M. Meeting In Hell

A.M. Meeting In Hell

Satan to Legions: "OK, guys... Here's what we do. We whisper this into the ears of the preachers and denominationalists: preach salvation and life change; then, while they are preaching life change through their god, we, through fear and lies, will help the leaders to build a system of control and manipulation, thereby not allowing the people to change. We will shepherd these denominational leaders and pastors down this path to contain the situation thereby not allowing the dreaded holy spirit to infiltrate the people's thinking and their lives. When change in individual lives starts to happen we will squash it with rules and regulations that have nothing to do with their bible nor the main tenets of their faith. We will parade preference as law and present individual application as absolute for all, allowing no differences for personality, skill sets or spiritual gifting. Sure, we will allow teaching of the spiritual gifts but just make sure that there is no allowance for them in actual practice in the church. If it does start to happen make sure that there is excess and weirdness associated with the practice of them. Never allow balance... oh, and never allow the denominations to work together, that way we will keep all the gifts separated and repressed and relatively powerless. Keep the strife going between the different denominations so they will end up majoring on the minor things, therefore curtailing their effectiveness. Remember, we have lost many of these except for the moles that we still control. Use these moles to dampen the enthusiasm for god and all of his ways. They and those seduced by them will keep others from entering in. We will use the very elect (I laugh at the term!!) to keep others out!! We will indoctrinate leaders into thinking that they must control and must inflict guilt and shame thereby making of no effect, whatsoever, the so called passion of the nazarene. Never... and again I say, never allow the leaders the luxury of the sentiment that the holy spirit can be trusted. The controls must remain tightly cemented into place or there will be hell to pay. The situation will become loose and unscripted and... and... this poison will become dispersed throughout the whole world! Now, go out and do my bidding. Here's a quick check list...
Make them seek religious things.
Instill denominational pride... (they really eat this one up!)
Make them fearful. (this one's easy, just keep them from prayer!)
Make them become filled with shame. (Anyone mentions freedom in christ - ATTACK THEM)
Make them envious of each other... Never let them discern the gifts given to the body.
Make the leaders and pastors to become locked in to the system and it's hierarchy and 'necessary' accouterments. Ladder climbing is one of my favorite lies, especially with these guys. At all cost keep them locked in and away from this hated nazarene. He will be our undoing!! If they see the power in doing this, it will spread to others and they will all change. We can never let that happen!!

Dismissed... Now, Go Raise Hell!!!"

Larry Grizzle

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